Doctor Who

The Doctor Who fan art exhibition was the first experience I had exhibiting and showing my art in a gallery. The exhibition was in time for the *special anniversary* episode of Doctor Who which I was enormously aware of and had been counting down the days until the episode was to air, needless to say I was excited about the exhibition. I had a few months before the artwork deadline and in my true fashion left it quite late, which wouldn’t have been an issue if I hadn’t ended up tearing the two bottom discs of my spine and finding myself in a permanent horizontal state for some number of weeks. I had lots of time to think during those week, and obviously also watch as much Doctor Who as I could. I regathered my ideas and even found a semi suitable drawing position which is how I ended up doing these four pieces. It was well worth the effort because all four pieces sold within an hour on opening night. Thanks for the support guys!

Are You My Mummy?

The episodes and story I drew the inspiration for this piece from is one of my favourites, it’s both dark and creepy but ends up having quite a lovely ending. Every time I see or think of think picture I can’t help but quote the repetitive line from the episode said by this, (at the time), creepy little English boy, “are you my Mummy?” If you’ve seen the show, you know what I mean.

Graphite on recycled paper


The tenth Doctor, played by David Tenant, is my favourite Doctor and this piece is definitely a little tribute piece. I loved the story line he was apart of and especially the enormous effect his companion, Rose, had on the grand time line of the Doctors story. I wanted to combine the recognisable profile of David Tenant, the specific sonic screwdriver he used and his catch phrase, “Allons-y”, which according to the Doctor is French for, “let’s go!”

Graphite on recycled paper

I Am the Bad Wolf

This piece was the first idea I had for a Doctor Who piece. It is inspired from the last two episodes of the first season. I found the story incredibly moving and quite enlightening when Rose looks into the heart of the TARDIS and becomes one with it’s conciousness to save the Doctor, and by doing so has this great deep insight. Some of my favourite quotes are from the speech she delivers:

“…I looked into the TARDIS and the TARDIS looked into me. I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words, I scatter them in time and space. A message to lead myself here. I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence. And I divide them. Everything must come to death. All things. Everything dies… I can see everything. All that is, all that was, all that ever could be. It’s killing me…”   Powerful stuff.

Graphite on recycled paper

Timey Wimey

The TARDIS is such an enormous part of the Doctor Who story. It’s iconic, admired, mysterious and stylish. I knew a TARDIS piece would be an important addition to my collection and the ‘timey wimey’ title comes from a description of the progression of time and space by the Tenth Doctor.

Graphite on recycled paper

  • Year:2016
  • Categories:Group Exhibitions