Zombie Apocalypse

The Zombie Apocalypse themed exhibition was surprisingly not as easy as I had originally thought it would be. I’ve always been a fan of the zombie movies and literature, and I know we all have the apocalypse game plan with our family and friends incase the pits of hell over flow and the dead begin to walk the earth….. However, as an art piece, how does one capture and artistic view of the Zombie Apocalypse? More so, how do you make it sellable? Isn’t that kind of the point?

So I went deep, deep into the realms of my imagination and developed a series of pieces that chronicle a vague and vast progression of the apocalypse.

Can I Play?

Innocent but deadly. I think the picture speaks for itself.

Pencils on textured artist paper


We start with Bloodshot. The beginning of the end. The infection. The virus has spread, it’s in you blood and brain and before you know it, you’re not looking Death in the eye, you are Death.

This piece was done with just dots. Lots and lots of dots. It’s called stipling in case you were wondering. The red back ground is a splash of watercolour, not dots. I’m not that good.

Ink and watercolour on watercolour paper

The Tainted Generation

When the Zombie Apocalypse breaks out and begins to spread there are approximately 100,000,000 pregnant women in the world. On average, 1% of those women would survive the initial outbreak and go on to give birth to those babies who become a generation that knows no other existence than the one of death and decay they were born into.

Weapons of the Apocalypse

Along side the infected becoming, well, infected, there are also the uninfected preparing themselves for battle and safety, soon to become survivors. What do you have around the house you can use as a weapon? Basically anything sharp and with a bit of length to it. You don’t want to be up close and personal with the zombies until you’re a pro survivor.

Graphite on textured artist paper

  • Year:2016
  • Categories:Group Exhibitions